The Writing Center

The writing center at the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences has a national focus to increase invention and innovation in the scientific community by helping them focus on idea generation while we provide editorial services that enable them to communicate their ideas.

Operational structure

  • The Writing Center stakeholders include governmental, non-governmental, private entities, and the public at large.
  • The Writing Center operational delivery modalities include physical, virtual, hybrid, and HyFlex.
  • The Ethiopian Academy of Sciences serves as the central coordinating body for the national writing center efforts. It sets policies and provides guidance on standards, quality assurance, and processes management.
  • The Writing Center serves the scientific community in public and private Higher Education institutions. The initial launch includes the eight public research universities (alphabetically in descending order): Addis Ababa University, Arba Minch University, Bahir Dar University, Gondar University, Haromaya University, Hawassa University, Jimma University, and Mekele University.
  • The eight public research institutions will serve as hubs to organize other public and private institutions in their proximity.
  • The Writing Center will involve local and international participants to achieve its vision. 
  • The Writing Center shall have an advisory board that serves alongside the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences board. Local and international members will be recruited for the advisory board.  

Roles and Responsibilites

  • Ethiopian Academy of Sciences: responsible for coordination, standards, quality assurance, process management, computer systems development, and high-level training.
  • Hubs: the hubs will be responsible for:
    • managing the implementation of editorial services,
    • providing editorial support and guidance to the scientific community,
    • inviting and endorsing visiting fellows,
    • designating and empowering the language departments to operationalize the writing center vision, mission, and objectives,
    • electing passionate and knowledgeable leaders to lead the writing center within their institutions,
    • aspiring to create discipline specific editorial services including engineering, ICT, medical sciences, and social sciences, and
    • growing editorial service providers globally utilizing the writing center delivery modalities: physical, virtual, hybrid, and HyFlex. 
  • Language department: responsible for delivering editorial services to the scientific community. It is responsible for:
    • managing the writing center staff, 
    • implementing a computerized system to manage oral and written ideas,
    • implementing appointment system to manage editorial requests,
    • creating anytime, anywhere process for editorial services, and 
    • helping articulate ideas for clear communication. 
  • Editorial team: the editorial team consists of students and staff at the University language departments, Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia anywhere, and visiting fellows.
  • Visiting fellows are individuals with editorial prowess that provide and/or supervise editorial services.
  • Scientific community: responsible for generating the invention and/or innovation idea.

Organizational structure​

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